Huddle Room - Video Conferencing

The huddle room VC solution is to facilitate standards based Video Conference meetings in small meeting spaces with better camera, audio and microphone pickup.

Huddle Room - Video Conferencing
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There is no need to use an application on a laptop as the unit has a built-in codec, camera and microphone.

  • Huawei TE10 camera, speaker and microphone
  • Display 40” Full HD LED display including wall mount brackets
  • Installation and consumables
  • Standard SLA for 2 Years
  • Facilitates 4 to 6 seater rooms

Things to look out for:

  • Boardrooms with no displays or old projectors and displays (Display upgrades)
  • Cables lying around in boardrooms (Wireless presentation devices or popups and extenders)
  • Difficult to operate boardroom systems (Automation and management)
  • Multiple offices around the country with lots of travel (VC)
  • Reception area with customers waiting (Digital signage)
  • Canteen or other pause areas (Digital signage and distributed audio and video)

Info we need:

  • Boardroom sizes, uses and photos of boardroom (Front, back, ceiling and table)
  • Connectivity at each site
  • What type of presentations done in boardrooms
  • Info or messages to convey to clients and employees
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