RUBiQ – Governance, Risk and Compliance Software
RUBiQ is a full business management system, comprising of various modules to satisfy different aspects of business management. At its core, RUBiQ helps embed good Governance, Risk, and Compliance as an operating norm, without the need for several different systems to manage the business.
RUBiQ consists of 6 modules all delivered from a unified management console, the modules are:
1. Policies & Procedures
2. Compliance
3. Risk Assessment
4. Incident Management
5. Monitoring & Measuring
6. Business Continuity & Crisis Management
Each module of RUBiQ is designed to specifically solve that area of business, and integrates with other modules to enable better reporting and more accurate measurement of business performance. For example, Policies & Procedures formulate the controls and guidelines for how your organisation operates, so when a Risk Assessment is completed, or an Incident is logged, it can be linked directly back to the Policy involved. This helps ensure the correct decisions and changes are made to the organisation, compared to traditionally these areas have been isolated and out of communication. Key performance and risk indicators can be measured and tied directly to day-to-day business processes and procedures, so executive management can instantly know and understand where performance is being hit, what needs improvement, and what aspects are doing well.
The RUBiQ application has been priced on a named user basis. User types are as follows:
Enterprise user - requires access across lines of business or business units, mostly view access with some limited CRUD (create, read, update, delete) permissions against rights per role / post defines access to which module;
Functional user - access all modules to a particular business unit function, such as Management / Quality / Risk etc.; full CRUD (create, read, update, delete) permissions against rights per role / post;
Task user - requires CRUD (create, read, update, delete) permissions to point functions such as My Post / assigned workflow tasks / corrective action assignments;
Admin user - Administrative functions of changes to core business data such as lookups / org structure changes / post descriptions etc. User re-set password function.
The end result is your organisation is enabled to make faster and more accurate business decisions, implement effective corrective and preventative actions, and drive more firmly towards the objectives and goals of the organisation.